Thursday 15 October 2009

New Job

Sorry that it's been awhile since my last post, but I've been trying to find something exciting and new that is going on with Jason and I, and at last something has happened! This past Monday was my first day of my new job! I was fortunate enough to get a job through a friend of mine who works downtown in Newcastle. I work at Bhs (British Home Store) in downtown Newcastle working on the ground floor in the women's retail department. My first few days have been pretty uneventful, but interesting none the less.

It's a nice change from working in the hospital, and right now I'm working only 4 hours at a time (20 hours/week), so my days pretty much fly compared to my usual 12 hour shifts. I was hired on for temporary Christmas help, so only part time, but least I will be getting a paycheck, which makes both Jason and I happy. :) One thing that is different, is that I only get paid once a month! Last Friday of every month, so there's one difference that I'm not too crazy about, but I'll be excited for the check.

Hopefully I'll have some more interesting things to add shortly about my new job, but right now I've been training and yesterday I actually worked the cash register, or what they call the till! It's pretty easy, but using a different currency than what I'm used to, still can throw me through a loop! And I did have to consciously think pounds instead of dollars when I returned the money to the customer! Another thing about my new job, is that I still stick out as soon as I open my mouth. But so far it's only benefited me, which is a pleasant surprise. If you ever want to feel important, come over and live in England, and everyone will think you sound so interesting just because you're an American and they like your accent! It's kinda nice. :) Most people realize that I'm American, or possibly think I'm Canadian, but I have to say there have now been a handful of people who think I'm Irish! Not sure if I believe that one, but I think that they just look down at my name and go by that. Who knows!haha

And on a totally different and random note...I saw my second British boxer yesterday! :) Can't tell you how excited I was to see it, and of course my doggie voice came out (I know most people have heard it!haha) And I'm guessing the dog's name was Winston, or something British sounding!haha Or maybe it was Tony Blair :) That's what I'd name my dog if I got a boxer over here! Oh I guess I can dream right!? And the second random thing...I told you all in one of my first posts that the television over here is not so good. Well I'm not sure if the show is still going on in the States (I've never watched it before here) but in the afternoons Veronica Mars comes on t.v. And it must have been one of the first seasons, but guess who was on the show!? Paris Hilton! Both Jason and I were like really is that Paris Hilton! Well it was, and comment if you already knew that she used to be on this show, but it totally through Jason and I through a loop!haha Good times in England.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Newcastle United Game

Earlier last week Jason and I were fortunate enough to get to see our first Championship football game. Newcastle United was playing the Queens Park Rangers at St. James Park. It was a great game but it ended in a 1-1 tie. Our seats were actually right in the press box and we were literally two rows right behind the players' bench. You can see by the pictures that we were pretty close :)

Warm-up on the field, or as the Brits say, the pitch.

Here's a new addition to the stadium. St. James Park holds around 50,000 people, and at our game there were around 38,000 in attendance. What's nice about the stadium is that all the seats are covered by an awning.

More pictures of the stadium. It's alot nicer than other teams in their league because last season they were relegated down to the second league (Championship league) where they are now. But they are in first place at the moment!

Players walking out onto the pitch for the national anthem. By the way haven't heard the words to their national anthem, but it is totally the tune of "My Country Tis of Thee." Guess whoever wrote that American song stole it from the British! It always reminds me of back home when they play that song because I just sing my own song! haha :) Here are the starters, Newcastle is on the right side.

And the kickoff

We actually got to see a penalty shot, but Newcastle missed it! We were down 0-1 most of the game, which is surprising, but least we came back, but not at this moment.Finally was able to get Jason to take a picture with me, but there's a stupid security guard in the background, oh well...

I'm at least excited to take my picture at the game, too bad everyone already went home, or I should say everyone but that security guard. Maybe he thought I'd be one of those crazy fans that runs onto the field!!! haha, that'd be a site to see :)
Tried to take a picture of the stadium after the game