Wednesday 30 December 2009

Barcelona, Spain...wait I mean Amsterdam, Holland

So as most of you already know Jason and I were planning on going to Barcelona, Spain for our Christmas break. We were leaving December 21st and coming back Christmas Eve. On our trip we were going to be going with Ryan and Carolina Mahrle (two friends from the team). We all show up for the flight that morning and it's been cancelled! Come to find out it's not cancelled because of weather, or any other logical reason because the plane is actually there, but it was because of the overtime hours the crew had acquired and they could not man the plane for us to get to Spain! To say the least we were very disappointed and desperate to go anywhere, however, no flights were going out that day, which left many people very angry and upset. And actually when we were waiting in line to find out what was going on, a woman actually tried to cut in front of us claiming that her extra money she paid for a quicker boarding time allowed her to cut us! Needless to say that was not kosher with the four of us, or the woman in front of us also waiting. So we created a four man barrier and told her she wasn't getting by us!haha Here is our first picture of us waiting in line at the airport in Newcastle.

Flight is cancelled!

So since we were desperate to get out of Newcastle we looked into taking the ferry across the sea over to Amsterdam, Holland. This cruise ship takes off actually right across the street from where Carolina and Ryan live. We were fortunate enough to get tickets that day and took off for Amsterdam that night at 5pm. Here is Jason enjoying the bathroom facilities. This picture brings a whole new meaning to sh*t, showering, and all he needs to do is shave! :) The toilet was actually in the shower!

Outside the ship about to take off...

Ryan and Carolina


A view of Newcastle, one of those flats are actually Ryan and Carolinas!


I hope there are enough life boats, least women and children go first right!?

Inside the ship

A model of our ship

Our tiny four person room with pull down beds on top

Jason and me

We are serious about our Bingo people!

But Ryan was the only winner in our group, good job Ry!

Got some free champagne for winning!

Amsterdam, Holland...right off the boat. So we took off at 5pm that night, spent the night and then we arrived into Amsterdam the next morning at 9am.

Our hotel, Singel Hotel, would recommend it if anyone is going to Amsterdam. Very nice place!

View outside our hotel. The canals are just lined with house boats!

Exploring Amsterdam

If anyone knows me I love taking pictures of food! Looks so good huh?

Saw this outside a store and was like whoa!?

More yummy food! And they had these amazing waffle things, they're on the far right of the picture. They were like Belgium waffles cooked and covered in frosting. So good!

View in front of Central Station

A bike parking garage! It was crazy, there were bikes everyone in the city. I actually think the bikes outnumbered the people! Not sure but pretty close!haha

About to take our canal tour

Picture with the canal cruise captain :)

Our cruiser

Not sure what this is, Jason had the camera...but maybe a good Chinese restaurant!?

One of many of the house boats in the canals. Jason was hoping to get a picture of someone actually in their house boat, but not sure that he was successful.

Views from our canal cruise

Picture taken off the back of the cruise, such a pretty city, but still pretty cold out.

Kind of a fuzzy picture, but you can see three boys running away. We actually went under a bridge and these boys threw snow at us on the boat! And once we went under the bridge and outside again Jason and Ryan started throwing snowballs at them! Some choice words were said by certain individuals who will not be named, but there were acuzations that the boys threw like girls!hahaha

Buildings we passed along the way

Outside the Vincent Van Gogh Museum. This was Jason and Carolina's favorite piece.

Jason and I outside the museum. One of Van Gogh's self portraits. We were unable to take pictures inside the museum. Boo! But I did get a nice coffee table book! :)

Big disappointment was that Starry Night was not there! Apparently it is in New York City right now.

Cool artwork outside. And this stood in front of an outdoor ice rink! Boys didn't want to go skating though....

The rink outside...probably just as cold as Whitley Bay where Jason plays

Outside the Heineken Brewery

Everytime I saw bikers I thought of the Wizard of OZ and the wicked witch! I'll catch you my pretty!hahaha

Went on the Heineken Experience, which was really cool. Talked about he history, showed us around the brewery, and got to sample beer. Plus it was very cheap! Definitely a place to go.

Wow my arm looks huge here!

Inside the brewery

Carolina and Jason

Enjoying some Heinekens!

Ryan and Carolina

Sexy Jason, now check out that pose Lea!haha Knew you'd like this one!


Saw this and had to take these pictures, but unfortunately put them in backwards, but you get the idea! Saturday Night Live, Mary Catherine Gallager!

When I get nervous I put my hands under my arms and then I smell them like this!

Saw that they had a casino and wanted to put a bet down for his Uncle Stevie, but then we came to find out that you have to pay to get into the casino!what!? wtf!? crazyness in Amsterdam! Jbear was not impressed! Later that night we did go to the Red Light District, but you are not supposed to take pictures while you are down there. So unfortunately all I can do is tell you about it. And it is crazy! A place to definitely go and see. Girls of all shapes and sizes just lined up in windows wanting people to come in and "see" them, if you know what I mean. Very interesting to see and experience.

The next morning we woke up and went to Anne Frank's House. The black doors are the front of her house.

Once again we were not able to take pictures inside, but was a very neat place to go and see. Very small and can't even imagine what it would be like to go into hiding there.

View outside Anne Frank's house

Outside on one of the canals

One of the sides of the Royal Palace. The front side was under construction.

Oude Kerk, one of the oldest monuments in Amsterdam and a place listed in my book of things to see in Amesterdam.

Another view of the church with me in front

One last picture of Amsterdam before we leave. We spent one and a half days in Amsterdam and then hopped back on the ferry back to Newcastle and arrived back home the next morning. Had a great time here despite not being able to travel to our original destination, but when life throws you lemons, you make I right! :)

Back at home in Newcastle Christmas Day. Here is our Charlie Brown Christmas tree. And I even let Jason have colored lights on it! Plus can you see our international decorations. One is for Great Britain, one is from Scotland, and the last is from Amsterdam.

Jason about to open a Christmas cracker, which are these things you pull apart with another person and whoever gets the majority of the cracker wins the prize inside. And also inside are a crown and a joke. PS there were 6 crackers and won 4 of them! Go me!

Opening up our presents!

Jason was pumped for his Gilmore Girls. I know what you're thinking, but living over here will make you appreciate the simple things! hahaha

Our box of American goodies we got! Notice that it's pretty much all food!haha

I got Jason a Northumbria University sweatshirt and a British flag cutting board made out of fruit! :)

Our Christmas breakfast. No monkey bread this year unfortunately, but still was a good one!

The Mahrles and some of friends came over and we had our American Christmas dinner!

Playing cards at our place

Our Christmas feast!