Sunday 29 November 2009

Thanksgiving Across the Pond

Dear Yankee Doodles,

This post is dedicated to my first British Thanksgiving. Well Carolina and I decided to host a Thanksgiving dinner for all our American friends over here, but of course there are some wanna be Americans that are joining us as well just for the turkey and pecan pie I’m sure! 

So Carolina and I began prepping for our big day on Wednesday. We went shopping and ran into a few bumps when looking for things on our grocery list. Couldn’t find hash browns, potato wedges, cool whip, cheez whiz (Sorry Tejchmas, no cheesy rice and broccoli casserole for us this year!), and the big one for me was pie crusts, or a pie dish! Apparently they don’t sell either, in fact no one had even heard of them when we asked! So we went the bakery to actually see if she could make us one, and she pointed us in the direction of pastry crusts, and since there are no pie crusts, there are definitely no pie pans, so I used a quiche pan to make it! And don’t even ask about the pumpkin pie because they definitely don’t have that!

So after our shopping episode Carolina and I went back to start prepping. I have to give big thanks to Carolina because she was pretty much the cook of most of the food since I had to work the day before and the day of Thanksgiving. So thanks Carolina!! You did a fabulous job! Overall we had a success with our meal. It included several casseroles, turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, deviled eggs, ham roll-ups, and desserts! Everyone said they enjoyed the food and personally it felt like Thanksgiving to us. We even had some British friends over, including my friend Kelly, who is now a personal fan of sweet potato casserole! She’d fit in well then with my friends down South! 

Our Thanksgiving also included football! Carolina and her husband Ryan have a Sling box, which is this thing you attach to a TV back in the States, and then using your computer you can pick up American shows back home. So of course all the boys crowded around the laptop for the Lions game. We also had fun playing some beer pong that night, and of course since you know we were playing that, leg kicks did follow soon after! 

Well I hope that everyone else had a great Thanksgiving. Let me know if you had anything exciting/funny happen on yours. Miss you all!


P.S. Pictures and Video to follow...

Saturday 21 November 2009

Dear Yankee Doodles,

Hello again, I know I know you’re already hearing from me again so soon. Well like I said before I’m going to try my best to keep up a better blog so you know what Jason and I are up to. Well this week has just been work, work, and work. But one thing I would like to know is how I can be working six days this week and still not get 40 hours! I know seriously!!

But anyways I was thinking the other day at work how over here they speak the same language as us in America, but I can’t tell you how many differences I’ve run into just at work alone where I have no idea what they are talking about! So I decided I would give you a list of what we say and what they would call it over here. Also even just some of their comments they make about things are different. Like when we would say someone is nice, they’d say “oh they’re so lovely.” Or if they comment about something like chocolate, we would say, oh that tastes good, and they’d say “it’s gorgeous.”

I’ve also noticed that older women love to call me “Pet.” I would say that’s the equivalent to dear. They are always like “oh thanks pet.”haha I loved it the first time I heard it, and thought that she was specifically saying it to, but nope everyone says it! Haha guess I’m not that important! But so here’s just a few things that I can remember that are different.

English British
Sweater Jumper
Tech vest Body warmer
Bathing suit Swimming costume
Turtle neck Just laughed at me (don’t remember what they call that!)
Cash register Till
Line(what people stand in) Queue ( So many of my co-workers love it when I say next in line!haha)

And another last thing I’ve thought of is how they say Americans have a lot more costumer service than they do, so when I wait on people at the till, many costumers always have a big smile on their faces and get a kick out of it when I say have a nice day! Can you believe that? I’m like everyone back in the States says that, and that’s what they say back to me. No one over here says it, and I guess it’s totally an American thing, but personally I just think that’s being nice. Well hope you enjoyed this British lesson. Talk to you all soon.


Thursday 19 November 2009


Dear Yankee Doddles,

So I know that I’ve been a terrible blogger and haven’t written you in about a month. Well I apologize and hope you will forgive me, and start to have faith in me that I will get better. I’m starting my new years resolution early and that is for me to be a better blogger. I know Jason would prefer if I chose not to eat sweets, but let’s be honest. That’s never going to happen!  And definitely not anytime soon because eggnog should be in the stores soon! Oh please tell me the Brits have eggnog!

Well my week at a glance has been pretty uneventful, but to you maybe not. I’ve been able to pick up a ton of hours at my job with Christmas coming up. Pretty much working full-time right now, and it’s six days this week! Boo! But least it’s money for Jason and I when we go to Barcelona. Oh ya for those that don’t know, Jbear and I are going to Barcelona for Christmas! Pretty excited since it will be our first big trip abroad.

So this week so far has been all work pretty much. However, Tuesday morning I was getting ready and accidentally hit my entire foot against my bed post in my room. Can’t even tell you how bad it hurt! I thought the pain would go away because you know how it is when you jam your toes, but it didn’t. And then I had to work all day and it just got worse! When I got home my entire left side of my second little toe was all purple and swollen! Sorry if this grosses anyone out, but this is the reality people when the blogger is a nurse!  Well my husband Jason was actually the nurse in this story, and he was so great. Helped me ice it by holding a coke can on my foot. (Because if you remember what our refrigerator looks like; we pretty much have no freezer, so definitely no ice!) And then he had me elevate my foot all night, which seemed to help it as well. It’s getting better, but still not 100% yet. Guess I won’t be able to play in my soccer game this weekend, which stinks!

Actually an exciting thing I’m doing tonight is going to see New Moon at midnight with some of my friends. So we’ll actually be able to see the first release of it, and about six hours before anyone in the U.S. Pretty exciting stuff I know! I will let you know how it is. I’m currently on the third book right now of the Twilight series (Eclipse,) and it’s really good. And for those that know my reading style, yes I’ve been reading it for about a month, but I am going a lot quicker than my usual pace! Well that’s all for now, and I intend to keep my promise that I stated above, so stay on me so that I can keep my word. Miss you all!
