Monday 28 September 2009

Edinburgh, Scotland

Jason and I traveled up to Edinburgh, Scotland just last week and had a wonderful time. There is so much up there to do that unfortunately we couln't get everthing in in one day, but here was our adventure! We took an early train ride up to Edinburgh, was about an hour and a half train ride. These first few pictures are taken from our seats on the train. I have to give a shout out to my friend Lauren for helping me understand my camera and how to use all the functions to take good pictures. Notice the second picture isn't as blurry, thanks Lauren!:) Here is our first site of the city. Not much to look at but we're now in Scotland!

Once we got off the train (was about 8am) Jason and I went and got a cup of coffee, and headed for the Edinburgh Castle. Here's Jason with the city behind him.

Now it's my turn. Isn't it so beautiful even on a cloudy day!
Saw this telephone booth and had to take a pic! :)

Downtown Edinburgh

Not sure if you can read this, but the sign states that this was the site of the last public executions in Edinburgh dating back to 1864.

The three gold bars in the sidewalk were placed to remember these individuals.

Jason showing his representation of the killings. He's supposed to look like he's being hung, not a very good representation, but what do you except he was a little nervous acting it out on the street! Sorry a bit morbid! As we continue our walk down the street.
Edinburgh Castle. Not much to see from this view, but this place was amazing. Part of the castle had been destroyed from previous battles. Was on our list to see, since it was in my A Thousand Places to See Before you Die book
Scottish bagpiper playing when we came in. Sorry it's kind of hard to see.
One of the views from the castle overlooking the city.
Picture of us with the city behind us, sorry we're blocking the view! But it was nice :)

Part of the castle
Saw this and had to show all you dog lovers.
Maybe they'll leave a spot for my boxer friends Morgie and Feni, and my sister's boys Cam, Guinners, and Tulo! You can see the gravestones around the outside near the wall.
You could listen to audio while you walked through the castle and these signs would prompt you to a reading about the area you were seeing. This one describes the dog cemetery. It says "the small garden below has been used since Queen Victoria's reign as a burial place for regimental mascots and officers' dogs."
The oldest building in the castle by King David the I (1124-53) and dedicated to his mother who died here in 1093. She was created a saint in 1251.
Inside the chapel

Outside the chapel

Another picture of us from the castle
View of the city
Another view of the city, with the mountain we climbed later in the afternoon in the background
Built by King James V on the line of the medievil defences. The guns were made about 1810.
View from one of the cannons
A close up
For 500 years up to the 19th century. This was the castle's main water supply. It is 34 meters deep but the water level was never enough to meet the demand.
The well

This was the part of the castle that was destroyed and here is what remains. It was destroyed by cannon fire in the Lang siege of 1573.

Not too much to see...

Board talking about death in the cellarsJason down in the cellars
Scottish Crown Jewels, very cool to see but we coulldn't take pictures indside. Guess you'll have to come over and see them for yourself :) Statue outside the building of the crown jewels
War memorial of Scottish people who have died since WWI

Down in the dungeon where they would keep the prisoners. They would sleep in hammocks, or a few to a bed. Very cozy quarters.

Jason with a Scottish bagpiper

Jason again...
After viewing the castle we were quite thirsty so we went on a Scottish Whisky Experience...It started out as a ride that showed how Scottish Whisky is made. Then we got to see a movie about the different areas where whisky is made in Scotland and understand the differences in them. These four bottles represent the different areas where the whisky is made and when you opened up the bottle you could smell what the whisky would taste like.
Stay away from the red one, it smelled like ass! (pardon me) This was an avid scottish whisky drinker's collection. This room of scottish whisky was donated and not one bottle in here has ever been opened!
Jason posing with the whisky
Bottoms up!
Um yeah, definitely not whisky fans! Where's the captains when you need it! :)
At the end of the tour Jason and I got to taste a sample of all the whiskies from the four areas of Scotland. It was difficult to finish them all, let me tell ya.
But we were successful!
After the Scottish Whisky Experience we headed back out onto the streets. This is St. Giles Cathedral

Inside the cathedral
Jason attempting to hold the mountain in his hand, um unsuccessful, sorry Jbear! Now starts our journey up to Arthur's Seat. Took us about 2 1/2 hours to get to the top and back down. Did run into some technical difficulties on the way down, you'll see...
All smiles right now...
Round about from below. You can start to see how high up we were
And the home videos begin!
Rocky Balboa!? I can hear the music now...

Still had energy at this point. Though you won't see any bad pictures of us because we were too tired to pull the camera out, and I don't want you to see us like that, haha!

Finally at the top of Arthur's Seat about an hour later! It was so windy up there, you felt like you could be blown off the edge!
Our view
So cold and windy at the top. Could barely keep our eyes open for the picture it was so windy!
At the edge
Both of us at the top!

Here we are again...
View from the other side. You can see the rainbow in the sky.
My trusty tour guide, anybody that knows Jason's sense of direction should be asking me, why did I follow him this way down the mountain?!
The way down, and let me tell you, we did not come up this way. Good thing I wore my running shoes!
The view was pretty sweet though coming down from this angle
My turn
And we made it down in one piece!
Back in the city

The Balmoral Hotel. One of the places to see in my book (A Thousand Places to See Before You die)
Front of the hotel

Back at the train station, exhausted from our day!
View of the North Sea out our window