Friday 11 September 2009

Carolina is here!

On Wednesday of this week Carolina arrived into town with her husband Ryan. Carolina is a girl that I met over facebook this summer and she contacted me when she and Ryan signed starting a relationship before we ever met! It was kind of crazy, but it has made the transition for us pretty easy since the two of us actually know quite a bit about one another and we've only seen eachother for about two days. She is originally from Chicago and her husband is from Troy, Michigan. The two of them went to Western Michigan, and then afterwards her husband played a couple seasons in the Coast, and now they're here. They actually just recently got married too on September 5th (My sister and Greg's anniversary). Did the whole Labor Day weekend wedding, so you know they already have a "Collar" approval on the wedding!haha And I cannot tell you what a breath of fresh air it is to have another girl here in the exact same shoes as me. On Wednesday we walked around town, and I showed her the city and the time just seemed to go by that much quicker having someone there to talk and walk with.
Thursday during the day we did about the same visiting the library, ran some errands to get her a phone and internet connection, and of course shopped a bit! I know all the girls can agree that it's so much nicer shopping with someone else than by yourself or with your significant other because at least you have a second opinion that actually cares :) The two of us bought our first Newcastle United merchandise...and of course plan to wear it at the next futbol match!
Tonight they are coming over for dinner because they are staying at the Hilton right now where Jason and I were about a week ago. We know exactly how it is not being able to cook for yourself and having to go out to dinner for every meal. So they'll be coming over to Shiremoor tonight and enjoying a meal.
Just a head's up Jason only has one game this weekend on Sunday against the Nottingham Panthers (home).


  1. That's very excited for you, I'm glad you have a friend to hang out with now!

  2. So happy you have someone there, I know how important that is :) Miss you sooo much! xoxoxo

  3. Let me know when you guys get a shower, I will hop on a plane and fly over to watch a couple of Matches.
