Wednesday 5 May 2010

Baguettes, Eclairs, and Chocolate Cossiants...Paris, France

Welcome to Paris where we spent the next three days. Here’s the view from our hotel

Jason down at the entrance into the Louvre

Mona Lisa

So crowded in front of a painting that’s so small

La Victoire de Samothrace
Outside the Louvre
In front of the glass pyramids outside the Louvre

Our wine tasting experience compliments of the Paris Pass
Very fun thing we got to do where we sampled wine and learned about French wines

On the Champs-Élysées with the Arc de Triomphe behind us

Up in the Arc having some fun with the statues :)

On top of the Arc de Triomphe with Tour de Eiffel behind us

Sacre Coeur on top of Montmartre

Moulin Rouge, Paris’s Red Light District


Outside the gates before we could get inside

Listening to our educational walkie talkies on our tour of the palace

Hall of mirrors inside the Palace of Versailles

Outside in the gardens of the Palace

These gardens go on forever....
Finally found some delicious chocolate croissants at a shop right outside of Versailles, and had them on the train ride back into Paris! Wanted one so badly after I had tried one last time I was in France with my French class. Jason really enjoyed them too!

Musee d’Orsay, which is one of my favourite museums because it has a big impressionist wing

Inside the museum which used to be a railway station
The real Notre Dame! Jason has finally come to his Mecca :)

One of the amazing stained glass windows in the church

Having fun with the gargoyles up in the Towers of Notre Dame

After we left Notre Dame we ran across town to try and get into two other museums before they closed. First stop was into Musee Rodin so Jason could pose with Le Penseur, or what you’d call The Thinker.

After taking a couple quick pictures we ran across the street to see where Napoleon’s Tomb is located. Here’s Jason outside Les Invalides where Napoleon is buried.

After our second exhausting day of sightseeing in Paris we treated ourselves to a nice meal of fondue
After dinner we decided to do a Seine River Cruise (which was included in our Paris Pass) and we were fortunate enough to catch the Eiffel Tower all lit up!
Next day we took some more pictures of the Eiffel Tower. Au revoir Paris!

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