Wednesday 5 May 2010

Mind the Gap...London, England

After stepping off the boat from Amsterdam at 9:30am we had two hours to get back to our house in Newcastle, re-pack our things for London, and Jason and I had to pack our luggage for Egypt, then get back down to the train station in Newcastle City Centre to catch our 11:30 train down to London! We did it though, thank god!

Here's a nice pic of the Union Jack flag down in London

Mom and dad using the Tube in London

Parliament on the Thames River
The London Eye
Big Ben
Crazy story but our old neighbors the Thompsons were traveling Europe at the same time and were supposed to have a 2hour layover in London when the volcano erupted and it turned into a 7 day layover for them! When we got down to London we actually saw Mrs. Thompson on the street right outside Westminster! Can you believe that!
Posing with the cool British phone booth!
Posing with one of the guards...Jason said he didn't want to get too close to him because he was afraid since the guy had a sword! Really Jason, people do this everyday with these guys, they're kinda used to it :)
Another funny story, we were actually walking down to Buckingham palace and saw a group of people waiting outside this area down the street from the palace. After waiting about 15minutes we got a heads up that Prince Charles was going to be leaving his house. Here he is walking down the street with three other men. He's the one second from the right and yes I did run down the street, avoided some snipe shooters, and still managed to get this pic!
Buckingham Palace

Next stop Harrods!
Piccadilly Circus, London's Time Square
China Town
Next day we woke up and went down to The Tower of London where we went on a guided tour that told us the history of it being a royal palace and fortress, prison and place of execution, mint, arsenal, menagerie, and jewel house. Here is a Beefeater, who was originally a guard of the Tower back in the day, but now they are tour guides.
Jason's posing as a Beefeater
Mom and dad in front of Tower Bridge and Thames River

Walking between towers. Wanted to do an action shot.
Really mom, if you didn't like Jason all you had to do was tell me!

Yeah our hats are cool! Jason kinda looks dorky though, sorry Jbear.

St. Paul's Cathedral, where Princess Diana got married and Florence Nightingale is buried here in the crypt.

Inside Westminster using our walkie talkie guides. Very cool place to visit. Had no idea so many things were here!
Taking a break in the outside courtyard in Westminster

Back side of Westminster
So Jason being the Tejchma that he is was able to get us tickets to Shakespeare's Globe Theater opening night, where we were able to watch Macbeth. Very cool! And long, and freezing by the end of the +3 hour performance!

More pictures outside the Globe.
My parent's seats
Here is the inside of the theater. To the right is the stage, and they have cheap ground seats where people actually stand the whole time and they have little head holes to poke their heads through to see the performance!
At the start of the play some of the actors were actually coming out of the the area on the floor! Would have freaked me out if I was right next to them standing there!haha
Our last day in London Jason and I made my parents learn how to take the metero since all they did before was just follow our lead. We did this so they could get to the airport the next day by themselves. Here they are showing us they understand :)

1 comment:

  1. Shan, I am really enjoying all your pictures, you took some great ones! It looks like you all had so much fun, maybe we will have to come out and see you next year! Can't wait to see you, miss and love you lots!
