Wednesday 5 May 2010

Bikes and Clogs...Amsterdam, Holland

Here's Jason in the ferry gift shop on our way over to Amsterdam. Doesn't he look cute in his big boy hat!haha

We were barely able to get on the ferry so needless to say there were few rooms available, so here's Jason in our close quarter room that the four of us shared. The top two beds pulled down over the bottom two.

Mom and dad straight off the boat in my mom's homeland of Holland. They finally were able to get some new clothes they bought in Newcastle, so it was an exciting time for them!
Outside the Rijk Museum

Posing in front of the many canals in Amsterdam. Also I was very excited to wear my yellow Amsterdam shirt I had gotten back in the States a couple years ago. Yay!

Enjoying a local beer and the great weather with my parents at lunchtime

Riding the canals on our canal cruise

Found these cute clogs on the street

My mom was excited to pose in them too!

At the Xtra Cold Ice Bar enjoying our complimentary drinks

Mom and dad about to go into the Red Light District! No pictures inside though

Yes more beers! The weather was so nice and everyone was outside drinking and having a good time, can you blame us!?

Mom and dad on one of the canals

Riding bikes in Holland is a must! Spent the afternoon cruising on our bikes and my mom only fell off her bike once! Good Job :)

I believe this was when we were waiting for a boat to cross under the bridge/road and where we started to go the wrong way!

My dad and Jason trying to figure out where the hell we are!

Action shot of my dad on his bike. We rode our bikes down that hill and I nearly fell off my bike going down it, so I cautioned my mom to just walk her bike down the hill and luckily she did or that might have been fall number two!

We finally found a little town and had some lunch. Asked the owner if the River out front of his shop was the Amstel River (the river we were supposed to be following) and he was like no that river is about 20minutes away from here!haha Cheers to getting lost on our bikes in Amsterdam! :)

Look at me! Look at me! Jason doing tricks on his bike.

Another action shot of mom and dad! Oh and for those of you that don't know that purse my mom is wearing is one of a kind and you can't cut through the strap because it's made of metal...thanks REI no gypsy is stealing her purse!
Finally found the windmill house we were looking for for about 2 hours...Yes!
Back in Amsterdam! And if you can see my dad has mad skills and is actually riding his bike and talking on his cell phone. Hope that's legal!
Can't leave Holland without some cheese, so we stopped in this store. I love cheese!
Dinner at this local Dutch restaurant, very good!
My lovely parents :)
Amsterdam canal house boat museum. Very neat to go inside one and see what they are like since there are so many all over the canals.
We were able to do a Cheese Tasting Experience with our Holland Pass. Yes the passes are the way to go in Europe!haha
From Amsterdam we were supposed to fly over to Dublin, Ireland, but the ash was still preventing flights from going out, so we were stuck in Amsterdam for two extra days. Luckily we were able to get tickets again back on the boat back to Newcastle.

This time around we were able to enjoy the BINGO on the ferry and guess who won?
That's right my mom! And it was like 60 bucks so she was able to get perfume on the ship. Pretty nice gift to win.
Here's a video you can enjoy of our biking experience. See ya Amsterdam!

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